Dear customers, in order to thank each customer for their long-term support, Kokorosastudio has now launched a Rewards Policy.
From the moment you join our Rewards plan, every purchase, every share, and every dollar you pay will be converted into points, which can be redeemed into discount coupons to help you spend less money to buy more products.
Points will be accumulated, and you can treat them as a savings and redeem them for discounts when you want to use them.
How to Become a Rewards Plan Member?
----You need to click "Rewards" in the lower left corner of our shop page, select "Join Now", and you can formally become our member after filling in short personal information.
How to Earn Points?

- Registered member → 200 points
- Place an order → every dollar you pay will be converted into 5 points
- Follow our instagram → 50 points
- Share our products or stores link on Facebook → 50 points
- Like on Facebook → 50 points
- Celebrate a birthday → 200 points(You must enter the date of your birth at least one month before being rewarded)
- Send the referral link to your friends or family members, and they will automatically get a $10 coupon (which can use for orders over $50). After they successfully purchase and pay, you will get 200 points.
How to Use Points?
- How to redeem points:
When your points reach the points redemption standard, you can click "Ways to redeem" to view the coupons you can redeem.
- Points redemption standard

①500 points → $5 coupon (available when the order is over $15)
②900 points → $10 coupon (available when the order is over $30)
③1200 points → $15 coupon (available when the order is over $45 )
④1500 points → $20 coupon (available when the order is over $60)
How to Recommend Someone to Buy and Earn Your Points?
- You need to send the referral link to your friends or family members.
- When the person you recommend clicks on the referral link and enters their email, they will be rewarded a coupon of 20% off.
Afterwards, they will be able to click on "Apply Code"---this will directly add the code to their shopping cart.
- If they complete the purchase, you will be rewarded with a coupon of 18% off.
Please note that the person you recommend does not need to create an account, they only need to select the products and pay.
- You can post our recommended link to any platform you like.
- If the person you recommend has previously checked out as a guest or entered their email in any capacity, they will not be able to use the referral link (because they already have an email associated with their name, they will not be eligible.)