Shipping Policy
When Can I Expect To Receive My Order?
- Order processing time:
As soon as your order is placed we do everything possible to have your order processed, packaged, and shipped as quickly as possible. If your item is in stock, it can be shipped out within 4 days, otherwise it may take up to 7 days.
- Shipping Methods & Transit Times:
Our shipping method is standard shipping, and it usually takes about 10-14 days to arrive at your destination.
- Delivery Time:
Generally, it takes 14-20 days for the item to be delivered to you. However, during peak times (new releases and holidays) you will need to allow a couple more days for processing.
How Much Does Shipping Cost?
If you would like to know how much your order will cost to ship, simply add the items to your cart. And you will view whether your order can be free shipping.
Except for the USA, United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka and Spain, our shipping policy is:
- The order is less than $30, the shipping fee is $5.99;
- The order exceeds $30, the free shipping will be provided.
Orders to the USA(exclude Alaska) will be charged $6.99 (From 2025/2/6)
Orders to Alaska will be charged $25 (Fedex/DHL) / $10 (Yanwen)
Orders to Sri Lanka will be charged $15
Orders to United Arab Emirates will be charged $20
Orders to Spain:
- The order is less than $40, the shipping fee is $8.99;
- The order exceeds $40, the free shipping will be provided.
Do You Ship Internationally?
- Yes. We are currently shipping to virtually any address in the world, except for remote areas or islands for example Reunion, French Polynesia, French Guiana.
- If you are interested in placing an order and we do not currently ship to your country, please contact our customer service team.